Data security

What personal data does Trialy handle?

When a person applies to a study through the Trialy website Trialy stores the information given in the application. The following personal data might then be stored:
Telephone number
Date of birth
Specific health data related to the study

The personal data that Trialy gathers is only handled by Trialy and the research group responsible for the study in question. For each application, we ask the person applying to consent to Trialy and the involved research group to store and handle the information that’s been given. If a person by any reason should want their personal data changed or deleted, they should send an email to

Handeling personal data

GDPR (Dataskyddsförordningen)  became law on the 25th of may 2018 and adds an increased responsibility for companies and organizations that handle personal data. The way Trialy handles personal data is in accordance with GDPR, which, among other things, mean that we use clear and informative consent forms, that we do not gather personal data unnecessarily , that we protect sensitive data and that we have a transparent personal data policy. We also never store any personal data outside of the EU. Registered data is stored in accordance with the time frame for each study, or for panels – until the consent is withdrawn. 

Your rights

If you have given your personal data to Trialy through an application to a study, you have the right to demand that all the data will be deleted. People who register their data through an application on always have the following rights connected to their own personal data:

  • to gain access to their personal data
  • to get wrongful data corrected
  • to get their personal data deleted
  • to object to the personal data being used for direct marketing
  • to object that the personal data is used for automatic decision making and profiling
  • to have their personal data moved

Personal data policy

If you’re interested in reading more about how Trialy handled personal data, you can find more info in our Personal data policy.